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Software Testing Company Exclusively Hires ASD Candidates

There are roughly 500,000 adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) who have completed high school and/or college and offer certain attributes that make them better suited to high-level jobs like testing and debugging software than their neurotypical (i.e. not autistic) counterparts


These characteristics include a heightened ability to focus, pattern recognition, attention to detail, and a high threshold for repetitive tasks. Approximately 80% of these ideal candidates for employment in an ever-growing field remain unemployed, largely because of social difficulties faced in typical work places. ULTRA Testing, a New York City based software testing company, however, is anything but typical.

Rather than expect the candidates who are best qualified to adapt to uncomfortable and unpredictable environments, the founders of ULTRA testing devised a new business model that adapted the work environment conducive to allowing ASD workers to produce the best software product testing possible.  Testers with Asperger’s or similar ASD profiles are given specialized training in a professional environment suited to their unique needs. Testers are teamed with managers not on the autism spectrum, who interface with clients and oversee project execution. The company believes this allows them to provide their clients with their best product, while providing opportunities for high functioning adults on the Autism Spectrum to excel at their jobs.

This particular company was not founded with the goal to maximize profit margins, but to produce a top quality product for their clients. This is already beginning to pay off, as they are winning jobs over some of the largest companies in the technology space. As the software industry continues to grow, so too will the demand for employees on the Autism Spectrum that make them uniquely suited to jobs that are beyond the abilities of the larger population.

ICare4Autism hosted it’s annual International Autism Conference on June 30th-July 2nd, 2014 in New York City. June 30th was the International Autism Workforce Conference Day dedicated to developing and promoting Autism Workforce Programs. This year in the United States alone, the number of 18 year-olds with autism entering into the workforce or higher education will reach 50,000.  ICare4Autism understands the challenges these individuals will face when trying to find proper job training and employment once they finish their education.

Our solution to this challenge is to enact several initiatives to facilitate transition. ICare4Autism’s Global Autism Workforce Initiative, the world’s first global comprehensive autism workforce development initiative will enable us to   collaborate with and create dynamic major workforce entities to develop the best practices in workforce development internationally and effective transition plans for people with autism and their families.
