
Autism and Behavior Pattern Workshops: fundamentals of Applied Behavior Analysis

I truly believe our extensive experience ensures that your child’s progress is monitored by a professional who is capable of making sure your child’s progress is comprehensive and maximally efficient

It is our pleasure to talk to parents, families, teachers, and professionals about Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and how to improve behavior. We have done talks for numerous organizations such as: Tomball ASA, Katy resource fair, Houston ASA, Ford Bend resource fair, and others. We have several workshops that we provide to organizations, schools, and parents which include:

The Basics of ABA We cover the fundamentals of Applied Behavior Analysis: Reinforcement Functions of behavior Shaping This workshop is great for parents and teachers who want to get an overall view of what ABA is and how to implement it in the home and school settings.

What's your Child's Motivation? Motivation is everything, and if you can motivate your child it will infinitely increase the opportunities for him/her to learn. This workshop will cover: What is Reinforcement How to use reinforcement effectively to teach What behaviors interfere with motivation and learning What common mistakes people make in regard to motivation

Video Modeling...of the Future! This workshop is one of my favorites, since it's something that is sorely needed in our community. Video modeling is your child's ability to watch another person perform an action (on video) and then he/she attempts to replicate it. Early research indicates that video modeling can be a successful tool in teaching children how to improve in play, social, academic, and communication skills. The workshop covers:

The history of video modeling What makes videos so effective? How to implement in the home or school setting The future of video modeling

We can travel to your location for groups of 10 or more, though we also usually try to hold workshops at our Center two to three times a year. Pricing depends on location, distance, and how many people will attend. For more information, contact us at 713-462-6060.