
Orange AHRC will kick off a series of four interactive workshops for families that have a child on the autism spectrum with a lead session on Thursday, Oct. 28.

The Oct. 28 session is “The 6 things every person on the autism spectrum needs to succeed with friends, work and life.” Renowned speaker Brian R. King brings a threefold perspective to the world of autism. He is the father of three sons on the autism spectrum and is also on the autism spectrum himself.

Campbell Hall — Orange AHRC will kick off a series of four interactive workshops for families that have a child on the autism spectrum with a lead session on Thursday, Oct. 28.

The quartet will focus on “Autism: Bridging Adolescence to Adulthood,” discussing the challenges that the children and their families face during the trying years of adolescence. The series is open to the public, by reservation only.

The Oct. 28 session is “The 6 things every person on the autism spectrum needs to succeed with friends, work and life.” Renowned speaker Brian R. King brings a threefold perspective to the world of autism. He is the father of three sons on the autism spectrum and is also on the autism spectrum himself. He is a licensed clinical social worker with a private practice in Naperville, Ill. and is on the Web at

Workshops will be held at Noble Coffee Roasters in Campbell Hall, and are limited to 35 participants.

“Our goal is to provide information, ideas and support in a warm, relaxed environment where parents can share their experiences with others who are in a similar situation,” said Orange AHRC Executive Director Christopher Fortune.

“Thanks to the grant we received for this project from the Office for People With Developmental Disabilities, we will also be able to offer follow-up at-home consultation to families to give further support and information in the home environment,” said Fortune.

Orange AHRC will provide up to 20 hours of consultation by Master’s level psychologists, under the supervision of Allen Hershman, Ph.D.,Psy.D., the agency’s Director of Psychology.

The themes of the next three sessions are:

• How was your day? Daily survival for you and your child on the spectrum. Dec. 8,

• Now what? My child is 21. What happens next? 2011-Date TBA

• After I’m gone. Making long term choices for and with your child. 2011-Date TBA.

The Dec. 8 workshop will feature Michael Payeur of the Devereux Foundation. He has spent his professional career in the field of developmental disabilities providing supports to people in a variety of settings. Dates to be announced for 2011 sessions.

Free childcare will be provided by Orange AHRC at its nearby Henry Cox Center in Campbell Hall.

E-mail Charles Smith at [email protected] or call him at 561-0670 for details about childcare or to make a workshop reservation.